Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Businesses Having High Risk Tolerance

Merchants are often curious to find out, if they qualify for opening a high risk merchant account. Most of them fail to find the correct answer and thus they go misguided. But in this write-up, we’ve provided a list of businesses that can easily qualify for securing a high risk merchant account for processing payments via customer’s credit card.    

If you find yourself involved in a business listed below then it’s time to open your high risk merchant account immediately. The list is as follows:

1. Telemarketing Companies
2. Websites for Adult Entertainment
3. Casinos
4. MOTO (Mail or Telephone Order)
5. Online Gaming Websites
6. Credit Repair agencies
7. Online Auctions
8. Websites for Online Project Bidding
9. Lottery and Gambling
10. Multi-level Marketing Firms (MLM)
11. Online Pharmaceutical Stores
12. Dating Websites
13. Forex Businesses
14. Prepaid Debit and Cash-on-Delivery Method of Payment.
15. High Volume Business in the field of online retailing 

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

When Can a Bank Refuse Your Merchant Account Application?

Banks have stringent rules and regulations for accepting or rejecting merchant account applications, especially if we’re talking about high risk merchant account. Sometime the smallest of mistakes can get your application rejected. For novices it is common to fall prey to the following common mistake. Take a look to avoid a rejection. 

1.    Improper Documentation 

Banks demand a large number of documents to be supplied with each application in order to get every detail about the merchant before issuing an account. However, failure to supply any of the required documents can result in rejection of your application. 

2.    Better Business Bureau Complaint Record

In case any consumer reports are registered against your company at the BBB, you should do whatever it takes to rectify the problem or it might become the reason for your application rejection. 

3.    Misrepresentation
Banks go to a great length to verify whether information furnished by you is genuine. So make considerable efforts to ensure you only provide them with accurate information.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Know More about Different Merchant Risk Profiles

A variety of products are being sold over the Internet as well as at local stores. The merchants are identified by the items they trade, their payment processing techniques and profit margins. High risk merchants have well identified their business types and risk levels which help in measuring their performance by the counterparts. 

Given below is the categorization of different merchant business profiles in accordance to risk levels. 

1. Low Risk Merchants

Restaurant owners, toy and book retailers fall under the lowest risk category. They find it easy to qualify for normal loans, and rarely find any need to open a high risk merchant account. 

2. Medium Risk Merchants 

Merchants dealing in telecommunication services, health products and education sector fall under the medium risk category. They find it beneficial to open a high risk merchant account for processing credit card payments on their store.

3. High risk Merchants 

Online auction, gambling and debt collection agencies are considered highly risky by the nature of business. They make the largest pool of high risk merchant account holders.