Before issuing a merchant account, banks evaluate your business
for the amount of risk involved. The risk can be accredited to the nature of
the business; volumes of business conducted every month, potential chargebacks,
You may be denied a merchant account on several accounts, some of
which are as the following:
Doubtful Credit
The first and foremost factor that a merchant account processor
will check is your personal credit history.
If your account’s credit history shows fraud activity, chances of
denying a merchant account are higher.
However, some merchant account processers assign account under
multiple users. In this case, make sure that all your associates have a good
credit history.
False Information about
Your Business
you fill an application form for merchant account, it asks you for details
about the average ticket size and monthly processing volumes.
account processers will scrutinize and verify every single piece of information
you provide. In case any discrepancy is found in with the information provided,
your application will be disapproved.
Already on the backlist
or merchant account processers have a TMF list, which they use to detect
client’s history. In case your application was earlier rejected by a processing
company, your name will be on that list.
ready for disapproval in this case.
is important to remember that you’ve got to be honest about your business, and
credit history with the merchant account providers, or your business might have
to deprive customers the convenience to pay online.