Friday, 3 January 2014

What do You Understand by Third Party Merchant Accounts

If you want to open up a new business then you are required to design a payment model for your customers’ where they can make payment for the goods and services they purchase from you. It is here where you require a merchant account to accept the customers’ payments through a credit card.

Perquisites of Setting up a Third Party Merchant Accounts
To set up a merchant account the bank first needs to have a complete understanding of your business  and working with a third party processor in order to arrange for a mechanism for accepting payments.
Benefits of Third Party Merchant Account
1.    The third party processors are of great benefit for the high risk merchants as they charge much higher discount rates and transaction fees.
2.    As with majority of the merchant accounts you can expect the money paid by your customers to be deposited in your bank within one to two days.
Another great advantage of opening up a merchant account is the guaranteed level of customer service that is not only efficient but is also quite prompt.


  1. Thank you for sharing about Third Party Merchant Accounts, its really helpful for customers to accept payments through credit card. Well! If you take interest in High risk processing, then go through that.

  2. customers to accept payments through credit card.

  3. thanks for sharing about third party merchant accounts.
