credit card processors are reluctant to offer merchant account services to
travel agencies owing to their high risk nature. This is because historical
data reveals that consumers are more likely to dispute and charge back on
travel agency transactions than many others.
a consequence new travelling agencies are finding it extremely difficult to set
up a high risk merchant account. To make it
easier for you, mentioned below are things you should know about credit card
1. Understand Risk
you apply for a merchant
account it is important that you first understand the potential
liabilities of a sales agent, associated with selling online air fares.
Understanding your exposure to possible risks will help you take adequate steps
to minimize them and protect your travel agency from losses.
2. Set Up Card Acceptance Policies And
up card acceptance policies and procedures will help you address the following
An authorization
request approved by an issuer indicates that the credit card account is in good
Your organization may not be a MasterCard or Visa
merchant, which is subjec to the rules and regulations of Credit Card
Associations. However, airline is a MasterCard and Visa merchant and is
subjected to all these rules and regulations.
3. Experience Matters
sure you choose an established and experienced payment processor who has in the
past worked with travel agencies and other high risk
businesses. Also, your processor must be capable of assisting you
in developing and implementing fraud prevention measures during the processing
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