Monday, 11 November 2013

What Really is an Offshore Merchant Account

An offshore merchant account is an internet trading account established by a merchant away from the country (of business) by choosing an offshore service provider so as to process online payments.
An offshore merchant account is a wonderful facility for a business running on high risk. Such businesses may face numerous obstacles in securing merchant accounts with local banks and other account providers in their home countries. 

About Offshore Merchant Account
An offshore merchant account can provide you with considerable tax relief. Most offshore merchant account providers are based in nations where tax liabilities are low.
Domestic merchant account providers usually don’t entertain businesses running on high risks and high sales volumes. But, offshore merchant account providers are hardly alarmed by high sales volumes.
You funds can be transferred easily and safely with offshore merchant accounts. Also, high credit risk associated with card processing is dealt with to an effective degree as service providers deploy the best technologies and mechanisms for fraud prevention.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the information.

    Like merchant account, offshore merchant account is also very helpful as it is helping to solve the service of high risk credit card processing who are investing in online business accounts.
